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New Client Form

In the case of grooming matted coat; injuries, skin irritation and complications such as aural haematomas are more likely to occur. The greatest of care is taken to keep your dog safe throughout any grooming service. Injury is unlikely, but still possible. Matting removal is inherently more risky than working on a well maintained coat. Any injuries or complications arising from matted coat removal are to be the financial responsibility of the client. Likewise grooming on elderly and infirm dogs is also at the owner’s risk and performed with safety at the forefront. By consenting to grooming service with Little Acorns Dog Grooming you accept these terms. I will always discuss your dog’s grooming service with you prior to commencing the groom. Please keep your phone handy during your dog’s grooming service in case I need to contact you or alert you in the case of an emergency.

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